Honeysuckle Music Logo


Viewing 101 to 200 of 1085 items found   Next page   Previous page
Item NumberTitleComposerInstrumentationPartsPriceSee ItBuy It
RCE 22Enigmas, Canons, FuguesAlbrechtsbergerSATBs$5.95image
LPM 556Da Jacob das Kleid AnsaheAlder4vo, 4i6p & s$6.00image
LPM EML 2414 DancesAmmerbachSATB4s$6.50image
LMP 37Passamezzo AnticoAmmerbachS(A)A(T)TBp & s$3.95image
PP 64The Boxwood BounceAndresenSATBp & s$11.00image
LPM EML 1162 GagiardeAnerio4i4s$5.00image
LPM AN 2Four Instrumental PiecesAnonATTB(TrTTB)p & s$12.00image
LMP 178Salve Sancta Parens from Worcester FragmentsAnon (Loux)SATB (vo)p & s$4.50image
LPM EML 2962 Canzoni da sonarAnonymousSSAT4s$6.50image
LPM EML 2292 VillotteAnonymous4i(4vo)4s$5.00image
LPM EML 1804 Scottish SongsAnonymous4i(4vo)4s$6.00image
LPM EML 2175 Anonymous Villancicos (Cancionero de Palacio)Anonymous4i(4vo)4s$6.00image
LPM EML 1576 Dances from the Court of Henry VIIIAnonymousSATB4s$6.00image
LPM EML 267Assumpta est MariaAnonymous4-5i4s$7.00image
PP 8Bass Viol BleuAnonymousATTBp & s$10.50image
PP 29Mon AmiAnonymousSATBp & s$4.75image
LPM EML 373O Venus bantAnonymousS(A)AAB4s$6.00image
N2593Estampie from the Robertsbridge CodexAnonymous (Goethem)SATB or ATBp & s$26.00image
LPM TM 30Five CanzoniAntegnati4i4s$11.00image
LPM EML 2062 Early In Nomine SettingsAnthology4i4s$6.00image
LPM EML 3202 Fantasias from the Caioni CodexAnthology4i4s$6.00image
LPM EML 3442 Motets from the Rusoni CodexAnthologyATTB4s$6.00image
LPM EML 1332 Popular Italian Songs c. 1500Anthology4i(4vo)4s$5.00image
LPM RB 820 Tenorlieder of the early sixteenth centuryAnthologyATTB(4vo)s$9.75image
LPM EML 1034 Villancicos (Cancionero de Palacio)Anthology4i(4vo)4s$6.00image
LPM EML 3015 Italian Dances from keyboard collectionsAnthology4i4s$5.00image
LPM EML 3097 Venetian Dances of the early 16th centuryAnthology4i4s$6.00image
LPM EML 3617 Villancicos (Cancionero de Palacio)Anthology4i(4vo)4s$9.00image
LPM EML 2428 Neapolitan DancesAnthologySATB4s$7.50image
LPM EML 336Da pacem, 5 settingsAnthology4i(4vo)4s$9.50image
LPM TM 31Five Italian RicercarsAnthologyATTB4s$10.75image
LPM TM 6Five QuodlibetsAnthology4i(4vo)4s$11.00image
AP 131Flapper DaysAnthologyAATBp & s$7.95image
LPM EML 378Fors seulementAnthology4i(ATTB)4s$7.50image
HARA 159Four Short Tudor Anthems by Tye, Ford, Tallis, MuddAnthologySATBp & s$10.50image
LPM EML 312Ich stund an einem MorgenAnthology4i(4vo)4s$7.50image
LPM DM 1Italian Dances of the Early Sixteenth Century, Vol.1Anthology4i(4V)s$9.50image
LPM EML 269Je suis d'Alemagne/ Je suis trop jeunetteAnthology3-4vo(3-4i)4s$5.75image
LPM EML 181L'homme arme (4 settings)Anthology4i4s$6.00image
UE 17135Quartets for Recorders for BeginnersAnthology4is$22.00image
UE 17118Quartets for Recorders, Volume I, Vocal music of the Renaissance, easy-mediumAnthology4is$23.95image
UE 17119Quartets for Recorders, Volume II, Instrumental music of the Renaissance, mediumAnthology4is$23.95image
UE 17120Quartets for Recorders, Volume III, Dance music of the Renaissance, easy-mediumAnthology4is$25.95image
UE 17121Quartets for Recorders, Volume IV, Famous pieces from the Baroque,easy-difficultAnthology4is$26.95image
LPM TM 7Seven Comical ChansonsAnthology4i(4vo)2s$12.00image
LPM RB 2Seven Double CanonsAnthology4vo, 4is$8.50image
LPM TM 56Six Comical ChansonsAnthology4i(4vo)4s$10.75image
ETF2099Batalha de 6. TomAraujo (Vissing)SATBp & s$18.00image
LPM MA 18 Madrigals for 4 voices or instrumentsArcadeltATTB 4vos$8.75image
AP 039Voi ve N'andate al CieloArcadelt (Davis)AATBp & s$7.95image
AP 234Blues in the NightArlen & Mercer (Davis)ATTBp & s$7.95image
OFB 10088 Chansons (1533)Attaingnant4i(4vo)s$17.95image
LPM AD 2Second Livre de DanceriesAttaingnantSATB(4i)s$13.25image
MK 749/750Music for four recorders in three movementsAuderschSATBp & s$10.00image
AP 036A Totally Different RagAufderheideS(Sn)STBp & s$7.95image
AP 049Dusty RagAufderheideSnATBp & s$7.95image
AP 035The Richmond RagAufderheideSnSTBp & s$7.95image
AP 186The Thriller RagAufterheideSATBp & s$7.95image
MK 753/754hanky-pankyAutenriethSATB4s$10.00image
TR 63Fur PersonsAytonSATB (TrTTB)p & s$7.25image
TR 48Gifts and CelebrationsAytonSATB (TrTTB)p & s$8.95image
AWP0098In Memoriam, David Goldstein, Margariet Tindemans, Charles NagelAytonSATB (TrTTB)p & s$10.12image
AWP0060Miniatures for MarthaAytonSATB(TrTrTB)p & s$8.80image
TR 92Of Time and RemembranceAytonSATB (TrTrTB)p & s$12.00image
TR100Prelude and Fugue in a minorAytonSATB (TrTTB)p & s$7.50image
AWP0074Salish Sea Images for recorders or violsAytonSATB (TrTTB)p & s$10.50image
TR 74Sonatine a 4 AytonSATB (TrTTB/ TrTRTB)p & s$6.00image
TR 86Two Meditations, For All Things Green, Anam CaraAytonSATB/TrTrTBp & s$9.00image
LPM TM 57Five VillotteAzzaiolo4i(4vo)s$4.50image
LPM TM 50ASix VillotteAzzaiolo4i(4vo)s$4.50image
LPM TM 50Six VillotteAzzaiolo4i(4vo)4s$10.75image
PP 35Sinfonia No. 3Bach, J. C.AATBp & s$6.50image
HARA 30Fugue in F MajorBach, J. C. F.SATBp & s$10.50image
DOL 309AllabreveBach, J. S.SATBp & s$8.50image
PP 46Allegro, from Brandenburg Concerto No. 3Bach, J. S.AAABp & s$14.00image
PP 49Andante from Brandenburg No. 2Bach, J. S.SAABp & s$9.00image
AVP 45Aria from Cantata 164, Nur durch Lieb und durch ErbarmenBach, J. S.ATBBp & s$19.00image
PP 6Aria from Suite in D MajorBach, J. S.ATBBp & s$10.00image
PP 116Badinerie from Orchestral Suite in B minorBach, J. S.SAABp & s$4.50image
PP 10CanonBach, J. S.SATBp & s$9.00image
PP 13Contrapunctus IX, from The Art of the FugueBach, J. S.SATBp & s$7.25image
PP 18Es woll' uns Gott genadig seinBach, J. S.SATBp & s$9.50image
DOL 308Fuga Alla Breve e StaccatoBach, J. S.SATBp & s$9.75image
PP 20Fuga I, from The Well-Tempered Clavier vol. IBach, J. S.SATBp & s$10.00image
PP 21Fuga V, from The Well-Tempered Clavier, Vol. IBach, J. S.SATBp & s$12.50image
PP 22Fuga V, from The Well-Tempered Clavier, Vol. IIBach, J. S.SATBp & s$9.50image
PP 48Fuga VII, from The Well-Tempered Clavier, Vol. IIBach, J. S.SAABp & s$9.00image
PP 23Fuge uber ein Thema von LegrenziBach, J. S.SATBp & s$14.25image
PP024Fugue in G minorBach, J. S.SATBp & s$9.00image
N3868Suite aus der III OrchestersuiteBach, J. S.ATTBp & s$25.00image
MK 626/627Three FuguesBach, J. S. SATB (TrTrTB)s$7.75image
PBE 33Two AirsBach, J. S.AATBp & s$9.50image
N2590Fuga in a BWV 543Bach, J. S.SATBp & s$22.50image
MK 160Two Fugues, BWV 560, 554Bach, J. S.SATBs$5.00image
PDL 05Three Fantasias, BWV 570, 563, 735Bach, J. S.SATBp & s$15.00image
PDL 04Three Fugues, BWV 578, 574, 575Bach, J. S. SATBp & s$15.00image
N2596Concerto in C BWV 595, Fuga in C BWV 545Bach, J. S.SATBp & s$21.00image
N4661Tanzsätze aus der Suite Nr. 2 BWV 1067Bach, J. S.AATBp & s$13.75image
N3897Fuga, Jesus bleibet meine Freude, Dies sind die heil'gen zehn GebotBach, J. S. (Schwarz)S(S)ATBp & s$24.00image
AWP0025Bach Chorales for Recorders and Viols, 265 choralesBach, J. S. (Ayton)SATB, TrTTBs$28.00image
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